By Steven J. Lawson / Reformation Trust Publishing
In his book, Foundations of Grace, Dr. Steven J. Lawson traces elements of the
Doctrines of Grace through every book of the Bible. The book begins with a
foreword by Dr. John MacArthur, which is an excellent theological essay that would
itself be worth the price of the book. Lawson then argues that how one
understands God’s sovereign grace in salvation is foundational to their understanding
of the biblical message and theology. He argues for God’s sovereign plan to
save fallen humanity through a gracious act of election as a unifying theme of
the Bible. Lawson then works through each section of the Bible from Genesis to
Revelation examining God’s sovereign Grace and related truths. The book then
concludes with a call to believers to stand firm in these truths in afterword
by Dr. R.C. Sproul.
The book provides an accessible
defense of the Reformed view of the unity and consistency of the Bible on these
points. The treatment is not overly technical or complex and as expected,
presupposes a Reformed understanding of various biblical and systematic
theological positions. Since he explores similar themes in each chapter,
reading the book from cover to cover becomes tedious at times. The upside of
this style, however, is that the book will likely serve as a good reference
resource to those who may want to examine these themes in relation to a
particular book of Scripture.
Advanced readers looking for a
comprehensive biblical theology, extensive exegetical detail, or a critical
evaluation of theological issues attending the interpretations will not find that
here. What readers can find here is a good introduction to why Reformed Christians
are so passionate about God’s sovereignty and the Doctrines of Grace.
* I received a free copy of this book from Reformation Trust
Publishing as part of their book review program. Reviews are not required to be
positive and the opinions I have expressed are my own.