Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our Creator God is Awesome

One of the most amazing doctrines in the bible is the doctrine of creation ex nihilo. The fact that we believe in a God who created everything out of nothing is a major difference between our faith and most other worldviews. That God created the world and everything in it simply by decree is a testament to an unimaginable power and intelligence. If you seriously think just about this truth alone then every other doctrine related to our salvation such as the incarnation, the crucifixion, etc. become all the more remarkable.

Watch this famous film from the 1970's and then consider just for a moment the immenseness and awesomeness of the universe. Now think about the fact that there is a God who spoke all of this into existence. Then consider that this God also knows your name, how many hairs are on your head, and if you believe in Jesus Christ this God has promised that you are in His hand and that ultimately all things work together for you to share in His Glory. What a God we worship!

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)

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